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Episode 16 - Saat Phere

03 Nov 2005 • Episode 16 : Episode 16 - Saat Phere

Saat Phere
U/A 13+
TV Shows
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Everyone is shocked with Saloni's decision of not marrying. Manno Bhabhi and Narpat try their best to convince Saloni, but she remains adamant. Later, Saloni tells Narpat that she does not want him to put his principles to test and go against his ethics. However, the next day, Narpat calls Chaudhary and asks to lend him some money. Narpat feels relieved when Chaudhary agrees. However, Narpat is shocked when Chaudhary asks him to sign an official document. Chaudhary makes it clear that he is not giving him any loan, but a token of appreciation for clearing his file. With no option left, Narpat signs the file and takes the money. Ambica is thrilled to see the cash and Manno Bhabhi suggests to her that they should go to Padma immediately. However, they are surprised when Padma arrives there unannounced. Padma then shocks everyone by calling off her son's engagement with Saloni. Padma tells them that she waited long enough for them, but has now fixed her son's alliance elsewhere, and was also getting more money in dowry. Saloni is shattered and walks away, while Kaveri sports a vicious smile.

Details About Saat Phere Show:

Release Date
3 Nov 2005
  • Drama
  • Romance
Audio Languages:
  • Hindi
  • Rajshree Thakur
  • Rachana Parulkar
  • Rakesh Sarang
  • Rajan Shahi
TV Shows By Language
Hindi TV Shows