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Episode 12 - Saat Phere

29 Oct 2005 • Episode 12 : Episode 12 - Saat Phere

Saat Phere
U/A 13+
TV Shows
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Saloni is taken aback with Narpat's behaviour, but feels good when Gayatri comforts her. Samar does not like the way Kaveri behaved with Saloni and brings this to Kaveri's notice, but she simply ignores him. The next morning, Kaveri gets curious when she sees Gayatri with Dhananjay, their driver. Later, Ambica gets tense when Padma calls her and indirectly asks her to arrange the money for Saloni's wedding. However, Manno Bhabhi assures her that she will handle the situation. Meanwhile, Narpat is surprised when Chaudhary arrives at his place unannounced. Further he is shocked when Chaudhary tries to give him a bag containing huge cash, but Narpat refuses to accept. Though Chaudhary tries to convince him to accept it as dowry, Narpat remains adamant. However, Chaudhary gives the money to Kaveri, much to Ambica's dismay. Ambica gets worried as she had planned to give the money to Padma. On the other and, Neel phones Aapji and gets shocked when he comes to know about Saloni's broken engagement. Aapji tells Neel that he should not wait anymore and express his feelings to Saloni. At the same juncture Saloni also arrive. Saloni tells Neel that she has something important to tell him. Neel says that even he has something important to speak but tells her that it cannot be said over the phone. Neel says that he will soon meet her and talk to her. Later, Saloni is pleasantly surprised to see her snaps all over inside Neel's wardrobe.

Details About Saat Phere Show:

Release Date
29 Oct 2005
  • Drama
  • Romance
Audio Languages:
  • Hindi
  • Rajshree Thakur
  • Rachana Parulkar
  • Rakesh Sarang
  • Rajan Shahi
TV Shows By Language
Hindi TV Shows