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Gangaa - Episode 7 - March 10, 2015 - Full Episode

10 Mar 2015 • Episode 7 : Gangaa - Episode 7 - March 10, 2015 - Full Episode

U/A 13+
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Sagar stops Ganga from eating her food and forces her to play with him. She gets furious but remembering all that her father had taught her, she controls her temper and does as asked. Later the two of them play cricket and Ganga on purpose does not get him out. Later, Sagar's elder brother Pulkit reaches home and sees Sagar torturing Ganga and he immediately scolds him and explains to him in a pleasant manner. Ganga later watches the family while they are having their meal and she goes on to answer a riddle asked by Pulkit. Pulkit in return gives her a sweet and Ganga innocently runs to a corner to eat it. Later, Ganga hears a man informing Niranjan that many dead bodies are still lying at the ghats of Ganga although the government has claimed to burn all the unclaimed dead bodies. Ganga who finds the customs and rituals followed by Niranjan's widowed mother amusing goes to sleep but is unable to stop thinking about her dead father. Watch the incredible story of Ganga and find out her story right here.Gangaa is an inspiring story of a child widow who is characterized with the indomitable spirit and will to survive. She is considered to be a threat to age old customs of the society. However, her spirit and resilience ensure that she emerges a winner. Produced by Sphere Origins, Gangaa is sure to make way into the viewers' hearts with innocence, enthusiasm and the zest to live life to the fullest.

Details About Gangaa Show:

Release Date
10 Mar 2015
  • Drama
  • Entertainment
Audio Languages:
  • Hindi
  • Aditi Sharma
  • Gungun Uprari
  • Sushmita Mukherjee
  • Ruhana Khanna
  • Hiten Tejwani
  • Yusuf Ansari
TV Shows By Language
Hindi TV Shows